Sunday, August 18, 2013

my little pony friendship is magic season 4 comic con clip thoughts

well comic con was a few weeks ago and at the my little pony panel they showed some clips from the upcoming forth season as well as talked about some other stuff happening so I'm just going to go over what they showed

adventure time too old review

well it's finally here, the adventure time season finale...this felt like a really long season, I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. the episode is called too old and it feature's lemon-grab, those episodes are for the most part pretty funny,
...this one on the other hand...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

funko spitfire and bon-bon figure review

funny story about these figures, they're not actually out right now, what happened with these was that my toy's r us screwed up and put them on the shelves about a month before they where supposed to, I found them and took them to the check out, the guy there said it was a mistake and called the manager over who looked them up in the computer and found out that they weren't even priced, the cashier (who also turned out to be a brony) sold them to me anyway for the same price as the funko figure's in the previous wave's, the manager also said they were going to have to take them off the shelves until next month when they're officially released, so I got these figure's a bit early and I guess I'll review them

welcome to animated uprising!

so...I started a blog now...I guess I should make some sort of intro or something, well, I made this blog so I could review and talk about animation, figures and video games, I don't know how often I'll make post's on this, probably whenever I'm bored or have something to talk about or review, also yes this blog will have brony stuff on it so if you can't tolerate that stuff (which I can respect) I doubt you'll like this blog and finally...umm...hmm...oh, ok I guess that's it