Sunday, August 18, 2013

my little pony friendship is magic season 4 comic con clip thoughts

well comic con was a few weeks ago and at the my little pony panel they showed some clips from the upcoming forth season as well as talked about some other stuff happening so I'm just going to go over what they showed

1st clip:
ya know I can't really remember why but I've always hated diamond tira, why was that...?*watches clip* oh...oh yeah...
well they're actually going to go with faust's original plan, maybe...if you don't know Lauren faust had planned to make scootaloo have ingrown wing's and not be able to fly, that never really came up so I figured that idea was just scrapped. now the way I see it this could end 2 way's the first one is that scootaloo learns how to fly and everything turns out fine, or they go through with the original plan and have scootaloo always be tormented by the fact that she'll never be able to fly like her hero rainbow dash. okay I doubt it would be that dark, but I could see them making the episode about scootaloo having to coupe with something like this and maybe even getting her cutie mark, because let's face it, they can't keep that sub-plot going for the entire run of the series. another thing to note is that they mentioned the equestria games, so my guess is that's going to be the story arc for the season and will take place during the season finale.

2nd clip:
the next clip is from what looks like a superhero episode (perfect thing to show at comic con)
the clip show's spike waking up to find himself in a city setting with the mane 6 who are all dressed as super hero's whom he call's the "power ponies". it also features a new villain that seems to have power's similar to doctor octopus. this episode is most likely spikes dream, but I can't be sure.

3rd clip:
here we have one of the new song's for the season featuring the apple family and pinkie pie.
this seems to be a road trip episode, I have no idea why pinkie is there, maybe it's because there hasn't been to much interaction between her and apple jack, that's my best guess. the song is also pretty good.

4th clip:
this is the clip everyone's been talking about, for a pretty good reason. nightmare moon is back.

judging by the number's on the top of the screen, this clip is about 21 minutes into the episode and will be the 1st part of a 2 part season premiere, because of how late in the episode this clip is, we can assume these episodes will be similar to the canterlot wedding episodes, having the 1st part be entertaining but slow until the very end and have the 2nd part feature more action. my guess is the plot will be celestia sending twilight back to when luna betrayed her which will ultimately result in twilight having to send luna to the moon, this would most likely be some sort of test to see what twilight would do in a situation like what celestia had to go through. the other way this plot could go is that nightmare moon was never really destroyed and that luna could live with sharing the spotlight with celestia and even put up with cadence, but twilight becoming a princess has the last straw and she just got sick of being so overlooked, but I'm gonna go with the first theory.

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